Study in Creative and Future Oriented Literary Arts
Department of Creative Writing
- Founded in 1999
- The creative writing department began with the goal of providing theoretical and creative training and practice in the literary arts. Professional faculty who work in poetry, fiction, theory, drama, and scenario writing provide students with both the theoretical and creative background necessary to develop into the writers of tomorrow. With a vision of those future writers in mind, the department also offers interdisciplinary classes that focus on recent developments in the visual arts and in music.
- Department Achievements
- Our department hosts an event series where professionals in the field of literary, visual, and cultural production come in and give special lectures about their work. Students gain insights about how these artists work behind the scenes, learning the secrets to their respective crafts. Additionally, every semester a seminar is offered by professionals in the various creative fields about employment in the arts. Outside of our department curriculum, students participate in various clubs and activities, enhancing their creative abilities. Various festivals and events are setup in order to provide students with mentorship from graduates from our departments as well as faculty from our department. Our “Autumn Literature Festival” is an opportunity for students to present there work as well as receive prizes from the department, including the coveted “Poesis Prize” which is given out once every year.
- Courses Offered
- 시창작입문, 시창작기초, 시창작연구, 소설창작입문, 소설창작기초, 소설창작심화, 방송대본창작의이해와실습, 드라마창작의이해와실습, 논픽션창작의이해와실습, 비평창작연구, 비평창작연습, 서사의이론, 미디어콘텐츠기획, 출판편집의이해와실습및창업, INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY ANALYSIS IN ENGLISH (English), CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN WORLD POETRY (English) etc.
- Opportunities after Graduation
- Students in our department go on to work not only in the fields of poetry, fiction, and criticism, but also in various fields of creative enterprise as writers, editors, publishers and writing talent. These industries include journalism, advertising, publicity, entertainment, copywriting, print publishing, and more.